How long have you been running poetry contests?

Since 2001, National Scholar Society has proudly been involved in running student poetry contests. 

Who is National Scholar Society and why do you sponsor poetry contests?

National Scholar Society is comprised of a group of public and private elementary, middle, and high school teachers volunteering their time to help children achieve success and validation through creative writing and the possibility of becoming a published author.

Is everyone who enters selected for publication?

NO! Our panel of experienced teachers reviews thousands of entries and selects less than 35% to be published. This makes the National Scholar Society student poetry contest one of the most prestigious in the United States.

How are you able to run “free entry” contests?

Our panel of teacher’s kindly volunteer their time in an effort to inspire and empower students both in the classroom and beyond.

How are poems selected for publication and what criteria is used?

Our panel of volunteer teachers spend countless hours reading and reviewing poetry entries. Poems are judged based on creativity, originality, and overall effect. Less than 35% are selected for publication.

What is the name of the poetry book that my child might be published in?

“Award-Winning Young Writers of America”

If selected for publication, does it cost money to be published?

NO! Publication is free and optional.

What kind of prizes are there?

Per contest:
  • 1 Grand Prize Winner: PlayStation 5 or $300 gift card (student choice) + special mention in the prestigious national anthology “Award-Winning Young Writers of America” + award book
  • 4 Grade Level Winners: special mention in the prestigious national anthology “Award-Winning Young Writers of America” + $100 gift card + award book
  • 8 Honorable Mention Winners: special mention in the prestigious national anthology “Award-Winning Young Writers of America”+ $25 gift card + award book
  • 10 Teacher Winners (most students entered):  $50 gift card + award book

How is parent permission obtained?

In an effort to ensure privacy, we do not market to students directly. Thus, it is the full responsibility of the teacher to obtain parental permission.

Do students have to write on one of the given prompts?

YES! Students must write on one of the given prompts. However, we value all teachers’ perspectives and whether a poem fits under a prompt is up to the submitting teacher’s interpretation. The prompts are "open" enough to encourage a wide array of student creativity and interpretation.

How is privacy ensured?

Privacy is highly valued. Unlike other contests, we do not require a student home address or phone number. We communicate directly with schools and teachers. Your students’ personal details will never be sold or shared with any other third party vendors, or marketing companies.

Does the student own the rights to their poem?

YES! The student always owns the rights to their poem. Award-Winning Young Writers of America© is copyrighted as a compilation so each author will always retain full copyright of their work. These prestigious award books are only on sale for a limited time and are not for sale to the general public or in bookstores.

Does National Scholar Society support a certain charity?

YES! We proudly support the Boys & Girls Clubs of America.

Are the books printed and manufactured in the USA?


What does the book look like?

Each 8.5” x 11” softcover book is professionally bound with a full color cover. The award books are visually attractive and titled, "Award-Winning Young Writers of America." Entries are published with each student’s full name. Prize winners are highlighted.

When are prizes awarded?

The winning school(s) and student(s) will be awarded their prizes shortly after the contest has closed. We have to first allow time for our judges to select the winners and then complete the publishing process. Teachers will be sent "award letters" to bring home to their parents. 

What happens after students are selected for publication?

A maximum of 35% of poems are selected for publication.

A few weeks after the deadline, teachers will receive "award letters" in their school mail for students to bring home to their parents. The letter explains the contest details and offers parents the option of having their child published in the award book. It's a wonderful honor to be selected for publication and there is no cost to be published. With this in mind, nearly 100% of parents opt-in to have their child published.

This contest seems too good to be true, what's the catch?

There is NO catch! Teachers volunteer their time to help reward children for their efforts and promote creativity through written expression.

Do you give away free/complimentary award books?

Yes, we do for parents undergoing financial hardships. If your child/student was selected for publication and you are experiencing financial hardship, please email us to request a complimentary copy of Award-Winning Young Writers of America. Only limited details are necessary: